Théâtre en anglais pour les 3e

Lundi 8 janvier, les 3èmes, accompagnés de 6 de leurs enseignants, ont pu se rendre au centre
des congrès de Caen pour y voir une pièce de théâtre sur Rosa Parks en anglais. Cette sortie,
financée par le Pass Culture, a permis à nos élèves de découvrir la vie de Rosa Parks dans
l’Amérique ségrégationniste des années 50. Elle s’inscrit dans un projet visant à créer un musée
virtuel sur les figures emblématiques de la lutte pour les droits civiques aux Etats-Unis et leur
empreinte sur le monde actuel. Voici quelques retours rédigés par nos élèves qui ont, pour la
première fois de leur vie, assister à une pièce tout en anglais !!!

Quelques retours sur le spectacle :

« I think the play was very interesting but I didn’t hear everything. So, it was a little bit complicated. I feel some compassion for blacks at that period. I liked the play because this is important in our life to know a lot of things about that time. It was horrible for coloured people because they were treated as an inferior race.
I learnt a lot of things and I remember that was very long for black people to be accepted in the society.Thanks to Martin Luther King, Rosa Parks and other people, there was progress in the US society. » Juliette L.

« I liked the play. It was reaally interesting but I found it a little long and I didin’t understand everything. I particularly liked the fact that the actors stayed at the end to find out if we had any questions to ask them. » Inès C.

« I liked the story, the actors and how they played. The screen behind the play was very useful to understand where theywere and the context. But I didn’t appreciate the staging with just a few chairs and they didn’t even have microphones.
So it was difficult to listen to them. » Emile.

« I didn’t like the play because we didn’t hear much, so it was a bit boring but I still found it interesting that the play was about Rosa parks. And her whole story in detail. We leant a lot about her, such as the fact that she married Mr Parks and lives only with her mother but above all, the reason why she became famous. It’s really a shmae we didn’t hear much… » Héloïse.

« I liked it but it was difficult to understand. I think it was nice because I learnt a lot of things.(...) I learnt the story ofRosa Parks. » Inès M.